U.S. Marijuana Legalization rule soon socialized

Washington - Members of Congress on Thursday (23 / 6) will introduce rules that allow states to legalize, regulate, tax and control marijuana without federal interference.

Congressman Barney Frank (Democrat - Mass.) and Ron Paul (Republican-Texas) said it yesterday.

The law would limit the federal government's role in smuggling marijuana enforcement of cross-border or inter-state. In addition allowing people to legally grow, use or sell marijuana in those states that are considered legal.

The law is the rule which introduced for the first by the Conggres to end a federal ban on marijuana.


Jepang di guncang gempa lagi

Sebuah gempa dengan kekuatan 6,7 skala Richter terjadi di lepas Pantai Pasifik Jepang utara Kamis pagi, 23 Juni 2011.
Badan Meteorologi Jepang memperingatkan bahwa tsunami bisa terjadi, tapi peringatan itu di batalkan kurang dari satu jam setelah gempa.
Menurut laporan NHK Jepang, kota-kota di pesisir, Kamaishi dan Ofunato, memerintahkan sekitar 8.000 rumah tangga dekat pantai untuk mengungsi, tapi tidak ada laporan kerusakan atau cedera.
Menurut NHK, layanan kereta di daerah itu dihentikan sementara, tapi kembali beroperasi dalam waktu satu jam.
Gempa terjadi sesaat sebelum pukul 07.00 waktu setempat dan berpusat 530 kilometer utara-timur laut Tokyo.
Pusat gempa itu di lepas pantai prefektur Iwate, sekitar 175 kilometer dari gempa 9 skala Richter yang melanda Jepang utara pada bulan Maret.


Assessed Delinquent About Ruyati's Problem, The Ambassador For Saudi assume that it is criticism

Many discordant voices to the Ambassador for Saudi Arabia Gatot Abdullah Mansyur. He is considered negligent for failing to prevent the beheading of Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) Ruyati binti Satubi. Gatot considers the many discordant voices as criticism.
"Yes I think it's great input. Criticism is very positive, we will certainly improve it in the future. However, our existing capabilities have also been doing something over there," Billy said in the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (23 / 6 / 2011).
Billy has served only a year as ambassador for Saudi Arabia. According to Billy, the Embassy in Riyadh and consulate in Jeddah had said that had done mentoring for Ruyati's case.
"I think there is an assistance from the Consulate General in Jeddah because after all,
there are two representative institutions in Saudi Arabia, the Embassy in Riyadh and consulate in Jeddah. And the mentoring is done by Jeddah. But it is my responsibility. We gave instructions and I think they've done well, "explained Billy.
Billy refused if it is called missed. Saudi Arabia, he added, did not notify before the execution process.
"No, we are not missed, but Saudi Arabia did not give any info. I have sent two diplomatic notes since the verdict. But they did not provide any information until the end. No blame, but we respect what was there. They also have acknowledged that the error on the side of him, "he explained.
How about the many backward insistence related Ruyati's case? "The push back I give it entirely to the President. As a public servant, Mr. President completely determines me," said Gatot, who wore a brown batik shirt


A Foreign Exchange Hero has excecuted

Again, an Indonesian worker executed in Saudi Arabia on Saturday, June 18, 2011. Train law against women named Ruyati bin Satubi (54 years) adds the long list of workers from Indonesia who had to end his life in the country where they earn a living.
The Beheading of Ruyati really shocked the various parties. The victim's family who lives in Bekasi, West Java, just got the news after she was executed.

Ruyati became a migrant worker for the first time in around the year 1999. On the first departure, the grandmother of seven grandchildren of the three children had worked in Medina, Saudi Arabia, for five years. after went home, he returned to try his fortune in Saudi Arabia and worked for six years. Lastly, he worked in the oil-rich country for one year and four months, before the executioner's sword separates the head from his body.
At first, Ruyati became a migrant worker  because his determination to finance one of her children for nursing school. She then set out again for a second time with the intention of seeking money to buy public transportation for Iwan Setiawan, her other son.
When will depart again for the third time, the family was already asking Ruyati - who was divorced by her husband - to cancel her intention. However, with the reason to not bother her children in old age, he still fly back to Arab land.
Defend Herself
However, the fate said another. The Ruyati departure for the third time, to earn a living, ending with death. He was accused of killing her employer named Khairiyah Majlad.
Information received from Ruyati's family, from the beginning to work for his employer, Ruyati often tortured. "In fact, in the first three months, my mother's leg was broken. But he was not taken to hospital and only employer's child who is a doctor treat her," Een (Ruyati's daugther) said.
Based on the news from fellow workers,
that the cause to a broken of Ruyati's leg persecuted her employer. "I believe my mother is innocent. He was just defending himself," Een said, wiping her tears.
The same plea is given by the Director of Advocacy for the Association of Indonesian Migrant Workers Independent (Migrant Care), Nining Johar. He said that the accusations against Ruyati not be taken for granted. In fact, Migrant Care confident, Ruyati is one of the victims of violence by employers.
"Actually, the evil party is -in-law. In-law (Khairiyah Majlad) reported paralysis was not paralyzed, because actually he is evil ," said Nining.
He told, while working in her employer's house, the violence often experienced by Ruyati,  

The similar word phrased by the Head of National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers (BNP2TKI) Jumhur Hidayat.This Government institution is suspect, Ruyati reckless killing her master becuse she often abused.
"In the trial had admitted that Ruyati often abused physically, so in the end he was fighting, which led to the death of her female employer," said Jumhur.
As a result of her actions, this migrant worker from Bekasi is sentenced to beheading in Saudi Arabia. He was convicted killing his employer on January 12, 2010 with a cruel, by stabbing victim with a sword repeatedly. In front of the court, Ruyati confess.
is it the government careless?

The execution of Ruyati make many inflamed. Migrant Care loudly said that the government had been careless to protect its citizens. The reason, Migrant Care've warned the government about the legal process of Ruyati since March 2011.
Responding to the accusation, Jumhur denied that government moves slowly to prevent the execution of the beheaded law. According to him, the government through the Consulate General in Jeddah has been working hard to Ruyati not be put to death, with a request that the institution of forgiveness (lajnatul afwu) set him free. However, the victim's family insisted would not forgive him.
"It is The law in Saudi Arabia, if someone kills so the court will impose the death penalty, until the victims' families forgiving not to be put to death. We've tried, but have not been able to penetrate the system rigidity of death penalty in Saudi Arabia," explained Jumhur.
Whatever the reason, beheading Ruyati sounding the alarm about the law protection for migrant workers in abroad again. Moreover, Migrant Care noted there are still 26 other workers in Saudi Arabia who also have been sentenced to death by the local court. 

Currently, the number of migrant workers in Saudi Arabia reachs 1.5 million people. About 90 percent are migrants who work as domestic servants or personal drivet who work on individual employers. This group is susceptible for persecution.


Berita Terbaru Marcella Zalyanti

Marcella Zaliyanti Lahirkan Putra Pertama

Marcella Zaliyanti Lahirkan Putra Pertama

 Menjelang Isya, pembalap Ananda Mikola akhirnya menemui media dan berbicara mengenai kelahiran putra pertamanya dengan artis Marcella Zallianty. Menurutnya, kelahiran ini sebenarnya di luar rencana karena memang usia kandungan Marcella baru 8 bulan.
"Ya, hari ini 19 Juni isteri saya melahirkan putra pertama kami. Kebetulan kelahiran ini di luar rencana karena memang baru 8 bulan. Selain itu karena air ketuban yang sudah berkurang. Jadi, saran dokter, bayi harus dikeluarkan dan cukup usia juga," tutur Ananda Mikola ditemui di lobby Sahid Sahirman Memorial Hospital, Jakarta, Minggu (19/6).
Meski usia kandungan baru berusia delapan bulan. Kelahiran ini berlangsung dengan normal. Mereka berdua pun memberi nama anak pertama mereka yang lahir dengan berat 3,4 kg tersebut Kana Mahatma Soeprapto.
"Normal. Jadi kronologisnya Marcella cek up beberapa hari. Saya enggak tahu bahasa dokternya, tapi air ketubannya menipis dan disarankan kemarin (Sabtu 18/6) ke dokter. Enggak ada rencana apa-apa, tahunya disuruh melahirkan namun Marcel maunya secara normal. Jadi tadi pagi jam 4 lahir putra kami bernama Kana Mahatma Soeprapto dengan berat 3,4 kg dan panjang 50 cm," jelas Ananda dengan wajah bahagia.


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